Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Winterizing Your Backyard

Before winter finally finds its way, the last warm rays of the sun in autumn should be used to prepare your house and garden for the winter. Even simple external actions can be done to winterize your property, preventing many massive, costly damages that can occur. 

Here are some tips to help winterize the outside of your home and make it ready for a winter wonderland:

-       Give your trees and shrubs a makeover. Turning your backyard into a virtual winterized picture of perfection means that you need to pay attention to your trees and shrubs.

-       Always keep your small pond open throughout the winter. With the colder temperatures approaching fast, it is important to ensure your pond never freezes over, especially if there are fish in the pond. Using an aerator pump will pump air throughout the pond to make sure your fish live. Its main purpose might be to keep your fish alive through air but the bubbles that it produces will ensure that the pond isn’t settled enough to freeze.

-        Make sure your patio furniture is also taken care of for the cold months. If you have patio or any other type of garden furniture, you will know exactly how much maintenance means to the life of your outdoor furniture. Before the cold hits, take everything that is washable and start cleaning as well as making sure that the sun can dry them afterwards. If you have plastic patio furniture, you can just take a power-washer to it. The best way to ensure your furniture lasts is to invest in patio furniture covers, as these will help keep snow and moisture off of the materials.

-       Brightening up the area with potted plants can make a huge difference in the overall look of your patio or yard.

With a few simple steps your backyard can be ready for the cold and ready to make it through to spring with minimal damage. The trick is to get everything done before the cold sets in. Good luck!

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