Start by asking a few questions. Are you interested in a parasol as well as covers? What kind of cushion filling is best for your arrangement? Knowing that foam fillings are apt to get lots of mildew buildup, it is wise to think about something like polydacron as filler. Looking for patio furniture and patio chair covers is an enjoyable activity, assuming you have some basic facts before you travel to the stores to make a purchase.
It is always a good idea to begin by finding a matching parasol for your set of patio furniture covers. If you can get one now, snap it up, because later on you will have a tough time locating a matching parasol. Since stores rotate patterns and styles, what is available today might not see showroom floors for several more years. If you buy bright covers, you can really spice up a set of dark, wrought iron patio furniture pieces. Don’t forget to put the parasol into an extremely strong container to prevent tip-overs on windy days. If you adhere to your goals of color coordination and quality filling substances, your patio furniture set will be a true backyard gem.
Your shopping trip should include questions about cleaning. Ask the store personnel how easy it is to wipe up spills from each of the fabrics you are looking at. The natural fabrics, like cotton, tend to stain easier, but are also able to withstand stronger cleansers. Artificial fabrics like vinyl cannot withstand powerful cleaners, but allow for easy cleaning at the moment of a spill. When you do use bleach to clean patio furniture covers, mix it with water at about 20-to-1, water to bleach. Warm water and a bit of dish soap will get most stains out of covers if applied soon after a spill. The real secret to keeping the items clean is getting to a spill as soon as it happens. Once a stain sets in, removal is a chore, and even the strongest cleansers will not do the job.
When the weather changes, make sure you store your patio chair covers away from direct sunlight and wrap them in plastic storage material. Don’t put them away until you have cleaned them for the winter. That way, stains won’t set in during the storage period.
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